Tag: Book Awareness
The Diary of a Liberal Black Woman by Tebogo Mnqandi

Hi Friends, when was the last time you read a good book? I mean you reading this now. I’m talking about a very good book.
Tebogo did a great job here. To think that I know someone this talented amazes me. You will be blown away by his writing style. You don’t want to miss this book. Get a copy and thank me later.
I will like to introduce you to the latest book “The Diary of a Liberal Black Woman. In this book, the author takes you on a very steamy turbulent adventure of Pule and Sakhi.

You need a copy. Buy for your friends. This novel can make a wonderful gift for adults especially couples, lovers. It is not for under 16’s please.
Do grab a copy here. Hurry!
Congratulations again Teo.
Let’s grow together
Winners of Happiness At Last One Year Giveaway

I’m very grateful to all those who participated in this giveaway to win 1 of 3 free autographed copies of Happiness At Last.
Entries closed at midnight on Saturday 9th of Feb. 2019.
Congratulations to the lucky winners:
– Courtney
– Vwani
All will be contacted today and will be given ten days to provide their mailing addresses.
I hope you enjoy reading every single page of Happiness At Last It’s going to draw you into the lives of two adventurous young Nigeria couples…
Thank you for participating. Thanks to everyone who have followed my blog, liked, shared or commented on any of the giveaway related posts.
Lots of Love
Happiness At Last is One

Hello Lovely People, like I already hinted in the previous post Happiness At Last is One year old today. More like, it’s one year since I became a published author. I truly feel accomplished. I can’t tell you exactly how much this means to me.
Over the past months, I have learnt more in regards to publishing a book. The amount of time spent in writing the story, correcting and rewriting are huge tasks but then come the promotion bit.

In my opinion, book promotion is the tricky part. When no one knows you, you literally have to put more effort to get your book across to so many people. For instance, if Michelle Obama and the likes can organise a pre book launch tours and spends millions of dollars in book promotion what more can be said about the essence of book promotion but obviously not every can afford that.
Nevertheless, I must admit I’m using various social media platforms to publicise my work. I’ve done some advertising too. I will like you to help me by sharing this link with your friends.
On a good note, I’ve independently republished Happiness At Last. It is available in Amazon for purchase. I will talk about this in more depth on a different post. It took me months and some investigations but I eventually did it. Yep!

Do participate in the ongoing one year book giveaway contest to win a copy. All rules are stated via the link. There is still time.
Thank you all for your support. I appreciate
Happiness at Last One Year Giveaway Reminder

This is a gentle reminder to encourage you to participate in Happiness at Last one year giveaway contest.
Do share links with your friends.
All rules for participation is available in the original post.
Thank you.
Happiness At Last One Year Giveaway contest

Hello Friends, Happiness At Last is going to be one on the 8th of February 2019. I don’t know where all the time has gone. I’m grateful for the amount of support I have received so far.
So, I’m running a book giveaway to show my appreciation.
Rules of the Giveaway:
- To be eligible, you must be subscribed to my blog (i.e. following and receiving emails).
- Not yet subscribed to my blog? No worries. Please go to my home page and subscribe.
- Leave a comment in the comment section.
- A point based system will be used to pick winners.
- Automatically, you will get 10 points for subscribing (everyone must subscribe to be eligible)
- You will receive another 5 points for sharing the contest on your own blog or Facebook or Twitter.
- Closing date for contest is Feb. 9th 2019.
- Winners will be contacted to provide their shipping address.
- Winners will be publicized.
- Winners will receive a signed copy of my book.
- 3 copies are available for this contest.
I hope Happiness At Last brings you true happiness.
Do have fun participating in this giveaway.
Lots of Love
Mixed Blessings from a Cambridge Union: A book
It was an honour meeting a great talent and an industrious woman.
Attending “In Conversation with Elizabeth ” at the city hall reminded me how much our our stories shape us.
She had accomplished so much as a person and career wise.
Her book “Mixed Blessing from a Cambridge Union” is a great read.It is beautifully written. I can confidently tell my fellow Nigerians know how to deliver a neat job
Flipping through pages introduced me to who she really is. It is very important that stories of racial injustice are told for people to learn and most importantly prevent such occurrences. You are truly a blessing to this generation.
I am truly touched and inspired by her story and her works.
Do grab your copy of the book. You will love every bit of it.
Do you wanna try Bluehost for your website hosting? Click here, I highly recommend it.
P.S: Christmas is by the corner you know
Update on Happiness At Last
I’m pleased with the way Happiness At Last is gaining momentum. Like most of you know, I published a book in February; still feels like yesterday though.
I have been contacting different book stores, bloggers and you name it, all to make sure that the book is made known to different people and available to purchase in various book stores.
The other day while I was in a train to Basingstoke I met a colleague and as we chatted I mentioned the book and she was excited to hear just that. She immediately asked for a signed copy from me. Like always, I normally have copies with me
Well, if I don’t promote my work or carry it about, who else will?
In addition, another reader was kind to send me a picture after purchasing the book online.
On a better note, I got a splendid review from a blogger Hardipsinh. Do have a look. It gives me great joy to read what others think about my work. Thanks once more Hardip
Have you grabbed your copy yet?
Here are the links: Amazon and Authorhouse
Happiness At Last in a interesting story that depicts the bittersweet adventure of two young hearts in their quest of self discovery in the twilight of Africa’s economic boom.
Thanks for reading.
My Writing Journey
I have been waiting to fill you all in on my journey to the publication of HAPPINESS AT LAST. If you are an already established author, my great moves might not be surprise to you.
I want to use this opportunity to tell you my story. My fellow beginners will find it very beneficial too. Right from high school, I have known I love literature despite being in Science class. I love to read novels, enjoyed history classes. At a point, I recalled having a great score in History for that school term and my teacher approached me to make sure I still wanted to carry on with my science courses.
I love to write and love essays and good grammar. However, I must admit, my love for grammar has not enriched my vocabulary yet. I’m a work in progress still
It happened that when I grab books to read, it’s either I think the writer needed to add a twist to the story or cut off some irrelevant lines. At times, I would want the story to end differently as has been written by the author. Gradually, I harbored the idea of writing in my head. In the year 2014, I came across an aunt who is is same profession as me – nursing– and have written two poem collections, I simply said to my self I can do it.
Within the next two years I began writing. I realised that I kind of know the story but didn’t know how to start, then I decided I need to go back to my favorite novels but this time I approached them differently to understand their writing style. I have fondly enjoyed the works of Danielle Steel, own and have read lots of them. I currently follow her on Amazon to know her new releases. Kudos to this woman that’s writes endlessly.
It happened that in 2015 I browsed about publishing and fortunately, Authorhouse publishers picked me up and wouldn’t stop ringing me. I said to myself maybe that was the push I needed.
I paid for a publishing package even before I had a good draft of my first chapters. For me, knowing I have paid means a book somehow is on its way.
I wrote, then stopped as life, work and everything got busier. I would write once in a month or three months. I kept receiving call and emails from the Publishers. I had poems collections which they wanted me to publish first but I kind of thought I should go with my novel first as I can easily opt for buying a novel when compared to purchasing a poetry book. A sneak view of my poem which I previously posted can be seen here.
I began blogging to experiment my writing. Then came 2017 when I had said to myself this book has to be completed. The truth is, at that time each time when I want to write I struggled to connect with the story. I had a fresh idea for new storylines.
Then, I began seeking opinion for my manuscript and at last was able to conclude the story.
I sent off my manuscript to the Publishers by May 2017 and it took me months to correct and amend covers to my satisfaction. I eventually got published on 8th of February 2018.
That was huge for me. I still can’t believe I managed to publish a book. Huge thanks to my darling husband for his continued support and for sparing time to go through my tons of drafts. I am very grateful to God.
It’s fulfilling to know there are readers out there that have copies of my book in their palms or on their shelves.
I will talk more about book promotion in a different post. I’ve only come to know that’s the main work in the book writing industry.
Do you have a copy of HAPPINESS AT LAST? It’s available here.
Thanks to you all. Thank you for reading. Thanks for your time here. You are the reason I want to write more and God-willingly, will write more.
If I can do it, anybody can.
See Who’s On Display
This is one of those times I can’t help but share with you all how overjoyed I feel.
I was overwhelmed few days ago to see my book “Happiness At last” next to the works of some great African Writers. Mere looking at that copy sitting next to theirs made me realise we can all dream big.
As though that wasn’t enough, the shop keeper had also put up a copy on display.
I’m doing my best to see this work of mine gets the publicity it can get so, I appreciate even the tiniest of acts.
Happiness At Last is available online via popular online stores like Amazon, Authorhouse, Barnes and Nobles etc and available in bookstores in London and Nigeria. More details can be seen here.
Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about my writing journey. Do look out for it.
On a different note, I hope your weekend goes well.
See you on the next post.