It’s world mental health day Friends.
According to BBC (2017) Mental health problems are defined and classified to help experts refer people for the right care namely. They are namely: neurotic and psychotic.
Neurotic conditions are extreme forms of “normal” emotional experiences like depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder while psychotic symptoms interfere with a person’s perception of reality and impair thoughts e.g. schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Mental illness is invisible to everyone but those experiencing them.
Majority of those affected suffer in silence
There are some helpful treatments options available.
Look after yourself
Look after your health
Your are control
There are stressors around
You don’t need to add to them
Learn how to deal with them
Your physical, mental and overall health should be your priority.
Do spare time to reach out to friends and relatives. You never know what others are passing through.
Happy world Mental health day
Lots of love