Yvonne Nelson’s Book; Telling Her Truth

My views on the news regarding Yvonne Nelson’s book

Image Source; Yvonne Nelson Facebook Page

I read about the contents of the newly published book by Yvonne Nelson; a Ghanaian actress. It is no longer news that she revealed so much about her personal life.

It is her story and it upto her to share and at her own time.

Wow! My heart goes out to Yvonne Nelson.It’s her guts to share her story with the world.

How can one not know their real father for that long?

Image Source: Yvonne Nelson Facebook page

Dear parents, please you can do better. Let your kids know their true story. It doesn’t matter if the situation or the personality of the other parent.

Do not allow them live a lie. It is wrong.

We live in a society where you are encouraged to voice out YET when you do so, you are told you shouldn’t have.

How do you preach SPEAK UP whilst you meant SHUT UP?

In the book, she talked about her failed relationships, pregnancy and abortion. She mentioned names of celebrities too.

It is her story. She has lived with them for long now and it’s her choice to share with the world or whom she who she wants.

Do you think she doesn’t know the consequences of such? I doubt.

I hope she find some closure, satisfaction or whatever her intents were by speaking her truth.

Celebrities are humans too.

PS: I haven’t read the book yet. I wrote based on information circulating online and on her social media page.

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Happy Mothers Day

Source: Compfight.com

It’s Mothering Sunday again. Each year is so special. I am grateful to God for His love and mercies. For me, mother is synonymous to women. I can tell you that women are one of the most powerful creatures I have come across or have read about😄

On that note, my post today is applicable to all women. According to studies, women are more prone to stress yet they cope better with stress when compared with men.

Happy Mothering Sunday to you. You are amazing, I mean each and every single mother out there. Your work might not be appreciated that much but you’ve got to give yourself a big pat on the back because you are irreplaceable. The work we do in our various homes are overwhelming and underrated.

Well done to all mothers out there, the world 🌍 won’t be the same without you. I got a flower 💐 from the church today😄

May God continue to supply you with all the love, knowledge, patience and all that you need to build your home.

Happy Mothering Sunday to you.

I will leave with the song below.

My Mother by Ann Taylor (1782-1866)

Who sat and watched my infant head

When sleeping on my cradle bed,

And tears of sweet affection shed?

My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,

Who gazed upon my heavy eye,

And wept for fear that I should die?

My Mother.

Who taught my infant lips to pray

And love God’s holy book and day,

And walk in wisdom’s pleasant way?

My Mother.

And can I ever cease to be

Affectionate and kind to thee,

Who was so very kind to me,

My Mother?

Ah, no! the thought I cannot bear,

And if God please my life to spare

I hope I shall reward they care,

My Mother.

When thou art feeble, old and grey,

My healthy arm shall be thy stay,

And I will soothe thy pains away,

My Mother.

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” Princess Diana

Lots of Love,
