For a very long time, I’ve heard so much about Jehovah withnesses inability to receive blood transfusion based on their religious belief. Other sources have it that they are best known for it.
Recently, I had a genuine encounter. It happened that I was looking after a man in his late sixties who was severely ill and had underwent a bloody surgery. As a result, so much blood was lost.
On going through his theatre paperwork, he had agreed that there will be no blood transfusion of any sort even if it results to death. Mere reading those lines gave me chills. That kind of faith is powerful.
Families were present and made sure the request of their loved one was acted upon regardless of the circumstances. Interesting, one of the children was of different religion but still supported the rest of the family.
It was then I got to know that as a Jehovah withness, you ought to have a passport that clearly states your inability to receive blood transfusion and present it Doctors.
My patient had lost his passport recently and it was a bit of an issue because the consultant I had worked with demanded to see it. As far as he was concerned, the verbal communication and nursing documentations showing the obvious was not just enough to act upon.
“Where’s the passport” He asked.
The situation became more challenging as his haemoglobin (Hb) level dropped further to the lowest level I have ever come across.
As the situation worsened, tension built up. However, almost the time when the Drs had decided to try iron alternatives, one of the relatives coincidentally asked why other alternatives can not be tried. After a multidisciplinary meeting, it was agreed that iron dextran and other supplements will be used instead.
Next time I checked on him, Hb level had slightly gone up; just a little bit.
This makes me wonder how religion significantly affects our health. The look on the relatives faces each time they ask for HB value will always remain with me. It was a difficult situation and extremely challenging as they fought that battle of faith at that very critical time.
More of my health related posts are available in the health category. Previously, I talked about organ donation, Acute respiratory distress syndrome and other conditions.
Thanks you for reading this post. Have you had a similar experience? I will like to know your views.
Disclaimer: Confidentiality was maintained in the course of writing this post.