How Do You Unwind?

Hello lovely people, how have you been?

I’ve had a very busy week, by that I mean that I’ve barely had time for myself.

I’m off work today and trying to do some house duties. My little girl took the Tv remote control and before I know it we were watching a movie named “Groundhog day“.

Ordinarily, I would have changed the channel to one of her favourite kids channels but the film was a romantic comedy and I realised I haven’t even seen a good movie in a long time.

The last times I had seen movies were thanks to my husband. He loves watching movies and knows the very good ones. We would simply lay in couch and elope into the world of films. However, when I’m very time-conscious I have zero time for Tv.

So, this time it was my daughter that made me watch. I enjoyed watching every bit of the movie as the weatherman couldn’t get over a particular adventurous day. The film features characters like: Bill Murray, MacDowell and Angela Paton.

It was a good way to relax and unwind from past days event. I like comedy and happy endings, although I can do with some adventures but not horror, at all.

So tell me, What’s your day like?

On a different note, in the coming weeks, I will upload some health posts and give you an update on my book promotion. See you there.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend,

Lots of love,


The Good Wife


I have a joke for you and it goes this way. A kindhearted woman went to his busy husband who was in a meeting and asked, Can I see you briefly?

The man came out hoping no emergency had happened. She continued, “I have a good and a bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?

Only the good one the man replied. “You know the new BMW car, it‘s airbag works really well.”
This kind of clever woman is hard to find😄
Have a beautiful day and a fabulous weekend my lovelies.