There are many things to be grateful for

Vivien on a Sunday afternoon.

Happiness is a state of the mind.

Create it, if you have to.

There are a lot of things to be grateful for.

There are the little things that makes so much difference.

There are the big goals that shifts the focus.

There are the regular events that can go wrong and cause delays.

Regardless of what it is, be grateful for what life offers.

It has been a wonderful month for my family. I hope you are blessed too.

A gratitude journal will help you capture all the fine details you need to appreciate what each day brings.

Our gratitude journal is available for purchase here. It has daily morning and night time prompts to ensure you have a fulfilled day.

Let’s help each other grow.

If you like this post, please comment, share and subscribe to my blog.


When reading feels so good

Hello Friends, this post is different from my usual kind of post. I have come up with an intriguing idea. Recently, I have a good friend who have helped me proofread some of my works.

  • I have decided to do a similar thing for other people. Thank you so much Elizabeth, I am very grateful. I want to pay it forward. It reminded me that we can help people in different ways even while miles apart.
  • So, if you have any essay, coursework or article you need help proofreading I can help, in my little way. 
  • I believe that we can be of help to one another. Still in the journey to a better person and to serve you better. Of utmost importance to me is to influence lives positively.
    Do share this post with your friends, in your various networks, you never can tell. Lets help each other. Someone else might feel inspired and come up with another idea to assist others. Please, share🙏🏼
    Disclaimer: I hold no degree in writing related courses but I simply love writing, reading and maybe, proofreading😊
    Lets grow together
    Grateful Heart ❤️

    Have A Blessed 2021

    Happy new year to you and yours

    Happy New Year 🥳 to you and yours. I’m so glad we made it. The past year has been a handful.

    Normally, I love to reflect about the past year and would encourage you to do so. Nonetheless, it is understandable that many unexpected events happened last year especially, with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and it’s disruptions. 
    However, I would still encourage you to map out a plan for this year regardless. Make a list of the things you want to achieve, work towards them effortlessly, pray about themselves and leave the rest to God. Do not forget that God niether sleeps or slumbers. 
    My previous posts about new-year and new year resolutions can be found here. Check this too. You can have a sneak peek😊
    I would like to remind you that everyone carries glory. Well, my bible says so. On that note:
    May your glory manifest to its fullest in this year 2021🙏🏼
    May there be no unfinished businesses to carry over to the next year. 

    May God’s grace be sufficient for us all🙏🏼

    Let’s grow together


    Happy Christmas 2020

    Merry Christmas 🎄 Friends😊

    May the celebration of Christ’s birth bring you and your family great joy.

    Thank God for this opportunity for 2020 Christmas. It wasn’t possible for so many while some are still struggling to have food on their tables.

    May today’s celebration fill your heart 💜 with hope, love for humanity and God’s exceeding grace.

    May it renew your path to virtue.

    May it rekindle your faith in God.

    Do have a blessed festive period.

    Happy Christmas 🎄

    ***My previous post on Christmas can be found here.

    Let’s catch up

    Hello! From this end😊

    Hello Friends, it feels like we are having separation anxiety. How have you been? 

    What have you been up to? Please, let’s catch up in the comment section. 
    I was on an extended deserving holiday – all thanks to covid-19 lockdown. Returned to UK and have just settled into a new job. 
    I mean all of that and other personal things life can throw to you. 
    I will like to know how you have fared this period. Luckily, being a healthcare staff and working with the NHS I still have a job. 
    In the meantime, I believe better days are ahead. There is always a way-out when situations appear bleak. 
    I wanna read from you. You are all in my thoughts. 
    Lot of love

    Happy 2020

    Image source: Facebook user

    Hi my Lovelies, I wish you all a beautiful and blessed 2020.

    May all that troubles you be resolved this year,

    May you feel motivated,

    May you be inspired to exploit new ideas,

    May you not be quick to quit,

    May your days be long,

    May you not grow weary in going good

    Lots of love


    Happiness at Last One Year Giveaway Reminder

    May God’s name be praised

    This is a gentle reminder to encourage you to participate in Happiness at Last one year giveaway contest.

    Do share links with your friends.

    All rules for participation is available in the original post.

    Thank you.

    Update on Happiness At Last

    I’m pleased with the way Happiness At Last is gaining momentum. Like most of you know, I published a book in February; still feels like yesterday though.

    I have been contacting different book stores, bloggers and you name it, all to make sure that the book is made known to different people and available to purchase in various book stores.

    The other day while I was in a train to Basingstoke I met a colleague and as we chatted I mentioned the book and she was excited to hear just that. She immediately asked for a signed copy from me. Like always, I normally have copies with me😄

    Well, if I don’t promote my work or carry it about, who else will?

    In addition, another reader was kind to send me a picture after purchasing the book online.

    On a better note, I got a splendid review from a blogger Hardipsinh. Do have a look. It gives me great joy to read what others think about my work. Thanks once more Hardip🙏🏼

    Have you grabbed your copy yet?

    Here are the links: Amazon and Authorhouse

    Happiness At Last in a interesting story that depicts the bittersweet adventure of two young hearts in their quest of self discovery in the twilight of Africa’s economic boom.

    Thanks for reading.

    Expect Nothing from Others

    In my recent conversation with a few friends, I have realised that most times the problem is not always the issue. Our mindset goes long way to impact our actions and their various outcomes.

    Let’s say you expect nothing from someone and they give you some money or gift items, you’d appreciate them but if you already believe they ought to give you certain amount of things and at a given time, I suppose the perception won’t be same.

    I know it can be a difficult habit to break but I can tell from my experience that’s it is much better when you expect nothing from anyone and appreciate all that comes your way.

    We are all faced with different challenges and have no clue what the other person is going through. Let be supportive of another and show appreciation. Besides, it’s even much better and rewarding to give than to receive, the scripture supports that too.

    To sum it up, unbiased mindset is a great tool for longevity and a stress free lifestyle. Live and let live.

    Thanks for reading my posts.

    Do comment, I will like to know your thoughts.

    Mid Year Gratitude

    We are already in the half part of the year. I would like to think that we are all grateful to God for His exceeding love.

    If you cannot think of anything, think of the gift of being alive; more time to seek God and make our paths great with Him.

    Are you halfway through your to-accomplish goals for the year 2018?

    Is it nearly done? Bravo!

    Are you yet to take that giant step on the first goal? Not late at all Dear. So long as that zeal is there. You can act now.

    I believe in having a plan and monitoring ones progress. Studies have it that reflection upon one’s activities fosters improvement.

    For me, I’ve got a couple of ideas listed for the year. Let’s say I’m just halfway through. I need a boost too. Somehow, I have added to the list.

    Globally, this has this year has been filled with all sorts of news; ranging from the Trump-Kim meeting, history-changing-royal -wedding, world-cup joy and tension to the recent tragedy in Nigeria. It’s unbelievable. Let’s in the course of our daily lives, show some love to another. It is indeed a small world, you don’t know what would happen next.

    However, I am very grateful for even the tiniest of things I have achieved so far this year, be it in my personal life, career, blog community or social media; which includes you. Thank you🙏🏼

    I hope you achieve all and more that you have mapped out for the year. Better still, may God’s will prevail.

    Lots of love from Viviensvoice.