See Who’s On Display

This is one of those times I can’t help but share with you all how overjoyed I feel.

I was overwhelmed few days ago to see my book “Happiness At last” next to the works of some great African Writers. Mere looking at that copy sitting next to theirs made me realise we can all dream big.

As though that wasn’t enough, the shop keeper had also put up a copy on display.

I’m doing my best to see this work of mine gets the publicity it can get so, I appreciate even the tiniest of acts.

Happiness At Last is available online via popular online stores like Amazon, Authorhouse, Barnes and Nobles etc and available in bookstores in London and Nigeria. More details can be seen here.

Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about my writing journey. Do look out for it.

On a different note, I hope your weekend goes well.

See you on the next post.


                I came across a lovely poem about ‘Today’ and want to share it with you.

The best thing you have in this world is today

Today is your saviour

It is often crucified between two thieves

Yesterday and tomorrow

Most of our misery is left over

from yesterday or borrowed from tomorrow.

Whoever planned this life of ours did well

in giving us one day at a time.

Don’t let the past unman you,

benumb you with remorse,

weaken you with self contempt.

As for the future,

the best preparation for it is an unafraid today.

Today is yours.

God has given it to you.

All your yesterdays He has taken back;

All your tomorrows are still in His hands.

Today is yours,

Just a little strip of light between two darknesses.

Use it so that at close you can say:

“I have lived and loved today.

Source; Pixabay

The poem made me more aware of how time conscious and persistent one needs to be, especially when you are stuck in between two ‘thieves’.

Today is very special. Special because we live in it. We have to cherish and maximise our today because by the time we know it, there is another new day; tomorrow with it’s own challenges.

Why not do something meaningful today than look back and wonder or say ‘had I known better…’

Many have left with dreams yet to come true. Be productive today. Do not procrastinate.

Push yourself and maximise your today. It has no duplicate.

I hope you find this post very useful and inspirational.


My new book: Happiness At Last is available at Amazon, Authorhouse and in New Beacon Bookstore N4 London.

Your Imagination [Your Reality]

Imagination is the ability of our minds to be creative or inventive. Our imaginations can lead us very far, even beyond human understanding. Imagination has so many advantages and includes the following:

Self discovery:Source:

Imagination starts with an idea and builds up, which can take a great path and open world of opportunities. Psychologists believe that most successive people had imagined their situation before it became their reality. I have always believed that you never know how far you can go till you give something a try. So, come up with that single idea and let your imagination lead you.

Boosts ones memory: It sharpens our memory and equally boosts intelligence. Imagination is simply creativity, just like in forming new ideas and images, using our minds. In addition, imagination helps in memory rehabilitation when a person have suffered a brain injury.

Important for children’s development:



Another quote by Einstein affirms that imagination is more important than knowledge. It opens doors to possibilities whereby a child can be creative, clever and think outside the box.  According to studies, imagination is not only vital for a child’s cognitive development, it gives them a better understanding of reality later on. More over, it is through activities like imaginative and creative play that kids discover the world.

Makes one empathetic: It makes someone more aware of others situation as you can visualise their condition without experiencing what they are going through. I consider this as a brilliant way of understanding the world; putting yourself in the shoes of others.

There are many benefits of imagination. Lest I forget, imagination transforms dream into reality. “You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” Mark Twain.

So I urge you to dream big, let your imaginations flow and you will never know when reality knocks at your door. Whatever you do, stay focused and positive. If you like this post please leave a comment.