I want to dedicate this post to those that are currently experiencing hard times.
To those that situations make them wonder if God truly exist.
To those who have concluded that God is partial.
To those that only experience agony.
To those that have gone from one trying moment to another and is not ending soon.
To those that found themselves in a hopeless situation.
To that flood their pillows at night.
To that that truly want God to prove that He still exist in their lives.
Guess what?
I want you all to know that even when it appears all bleak that God truly does exists.
I can agree with you that the doubt is there.
However, GOD IS STILL GOD and exists.
There is no situation bigger than God.
God is for all.
He is not partial.
Your situation will turn around.
Hang in there.
Seek His face the more.
Chances are He is preparing you for the unforseen future.
Do not over think your situation more than it already is.
I pray God come through for you sooner than imagined.
May this month of June bless you with more than you had imagined
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