I was honoured to be nominated for the brotherhood of the world bloggers award on the 23rd of Feb. 2018. I am very grateful to Avni for this very special award. Do check her page for creative contents on religion, humanity and karma. You really need to see the posts of this young talent. In addition, she has a great sense of humour.
1.Thank the blogger who nominated you and post link to his/her blog.
- List the rules of the award and post a picture of the award.
Answer the questions from your nominator.
Nominate 10 other bloggers and be sure to let them know.
Write a list of questions of your nominees to answer.
Question and Answers.
1.What is your aim in life?
I believe we are all wonderfully created to make a difference . I would love to use my talents more to help others.
2. What is the definition of success according to you?
I think that we all need to work really hard believing God to crown our efforts with success.
3.How you rate yourself as a blogger?
Would say I’m a work in progress.
4.You remember your first date?
Yes, I do remember.
5.If you have to cook one day what dish you will prepare?
I cook often, maybe this question does not apply to me.
6.From where you get your strength?
It comes mainly from God, then my life experiences and people’s stories.
My Nominees:
- Daniel Nang
- Oddmadland
- Glaiza Binayas
- Vaishnavi
- Praya
- Umaverma12
- Kumar Shresth
- Rohan Gandhi
- Russel june
- Timesoflion.
My Questions:
Please answer the same questions that I answered.
Finally, Thank you for reading this post and your continuous support.