How Do You Unwind?

Hello lovely people, how have you been?

I’ve had a very busy week, by that I mean that I’ve barely had time for myself.

I’m off work today and trying to do some house duties. My little girl took the Tv remote control and before I know it we were watching a movie named “Groundhog day“.

Ordinarily, I would have changed the channel to one of her favourite kids channels but the film was a romantic comedy and I realised I haven’t even seen a good movie in a long time.

The last times I had seen movies were thanks to my husband. He loves watching movies and knows the very good ones. We would simply lay in couch and elope into the world of films. However, when I’m very time-conscious I have zero time for Tv.

So, this time it was my daughter that made me watch. I enjoyed watching every bit of the movie as the weatherman couldn’t get over a particular adventurous day. The film features characters like: Bill Murray, MacDowell and Angela Paton.

It was a good way to relax and unwind from past days event. I like comedy and happy endings, although I can do with some adventures but not horror, at all.

So tell me, What’s your day like?

On a different note, in the coming weeks, I will upload some health posts and give you an update on my book promotion. See you there.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend,

Lots of love,


Living With HIV

Hello Friends, I’m posting a health related post today. Hope you had a great weekend?

I will be taking about HIV and our perception of sufferers.

I cared for a man who was in his late fifties last week. He was diagnosed with HIV about eight years ago but over time deteriorated as he wasn’t taking his medications judiciously as required of him.

“Vivien you always treat me very differently” he said to me. “People are always in a hurry to leave my room but you take your time”

I told him I was only doing what was required of me. This gentleman was so frail and needed lots of persuasion. In my opinion, it was quite draining especially emotionally, as he at times declined most nursing acts and I could see he was weak. He would tell me he wanted to be left alone.

Genuinely, I think anybody ill will want to get better and would comply with medical advice but when I come across patients like this I tend to believe that they are fighting a battle with their condition and even the tiniest acts can upset them. My first day with him was challenging but days went by and I had him again.

He was happy to see me this time, like old friends, we stayed friends all through that day. I felt fulfilled and better compared to the first day.

As a health personnel, we all become very protective and extremely cautious when we know patients have certain conditions. Please don’t blame us because no one would want to jeopardise their health in the course of saving the lives of others.

Nevertheless, I will urge my fellow nurses, doctors and other health staff to show love and affection to HIV/AIDS patients. With standard precaution measures; which ought to be part of our everyday practice, one should be able to practise safely.

The condition alone is a cross for them, let’s not make it any worse. They know what they have, they wake up every day and the condition is still same, any act to take their mind of it is much needed.

I don’t want to stress much in this post about the stigmatisation associated with HIV, it still exists regardless of the numerous awareness programmes. Unfortunately.

I have previously discussed HIV/AIDS in details. The post outlined what HIV/AIDS is, it’s symptoms, prevention and stigmatisation. It can be found here.

I will like you to read that too.

I have a soft spot for this condition, I’m happy to discuss and answer questions. Do leave a comment or contact me if you are affected by this post.

Other health posts can be found in the health category.

P.S: Confidentiality was strictly maintained throughout this post.

The Joy of Understanding

At times strangers become so close like family

They treat you right and understand your struggles

They know your pain

They tend to your needs.

A family is all about blood

They should stick together

Be a leaning shoulder for another

But that isn’t always the case.

There are times family fails

They treat you like an enemy

They fight you with all their might

It shouldn’t be so.

If you have a loving family,

Stay true to them

If you have a stranger-turned-family that treats you right;

Who cries when you are hurt,

Hold them close to your heart.

This was originally posted in Pencliff.

Expect Nothing from Others

In my recent conversation with a few friends, I have realised that most times the problem is not always the issue. Our mindset goes long way to impact our actions and their various outcomes.

Let’s say you expect nothing from someone and they give you some money or gift items, you’d appreciate them but if you already believe they ought to give you certain amount of things and at a given time, I suppose the perception won’t be same.

I know it can be a difficult habit to break but I can tell from my experience that’s it is much better when you expect nothing from anyone and appreciate all that comes your way.

We are all faced with different challenges and have no clue what the other person is going through. Let be supportive of another and show appreciation. Besides, it’s even much better and rewarding to give than to receive, the scripture supports that too.

To sum it up, unbiased mindset is a great tool for longevity and a stress free lifestyle. Live and let live.

Thanks for reading my posts.

Do comment, I will like to know your thoughts.

Control That Anger


My message for you today is DO NOT allow yourself to be angered unnecessarily. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance or hostility. Friends, please do control your temperament. I know most of us might think it’s that easy, I must tell you it’s easier said than done but it is definitely achievable.

Do not be angered and feel you must react straight away, instead take a deep breath and look at the situation differently. There are lots of myths about anger and how you must vent, which is not true. There are ways of managing anger.

We are humans and definitely, someone would hurt or provoke us but that shouldn’t be the reason to act irresponsibly. Do not forget that anger and stress trigger certain health conditions.

There are lots of terrible stories that surround us, whether it’s our neighbours, relations or colleagues who have taken a drastic action as a result of being provoked, which they later regretted.

I had an ugly encounter the other day. It happened that a young man had an argument with his girlfriend, he hit her and she fainted. He panicked and hung himself. Minutes later the girlfriend woke up, saw him hanging helplessly and rang the ambulance.

There is so much to that story. I feel so sad and hurt that this actually happened. So many questions ran through my mind:

Why hit someone over something you can talk about?

Hitting your loved one to the point of leaving them unconscious? Seriously?

Why commit suicide when you think you’ve accidentally killed a person?

Was he that caring or an emotional person to actually want to take his own life realizing the consequences of his action?

Anger Management 


Similarly, there are biblical verses that preach about anger control. I found a link that comprises of biblical passages on how why we all can overcome anger.

One of them says: Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil – Psalm 37. 9.  Others can be seen here.
Unfortunately, sad events occur due to anger but we all should be abreast with effective ways of controlling our temper.
Do leave a comment below if you like this post or the story affects you.

Dear John


For some time now, I have been waiting anxiously to hear from a good friend. His name is John. Let me tell you about John.

In my previous blog “Writingisrewarding” I put up lots of post but had a few subscribers. I must tell you at that time I was more excited by posting and wasn’t worried about subscribers. So, John would normally email me almost after every post. I remember the first time he emailed.

I was pleased to know someone had read my story and took out time to write me an email. Since then we kept on exchanging emails. I never asked why he wouldn’t comment or something like that on the website.

I will describe him as gentle man and a man of faith. His words are filled with encouragement and wisdom. He is always grateful for little things.

In his emails, he told me about his health conditions, when he felt better,  and the kind of treatment he had received. He once told me how he cancelled an eye surgery and had gone for laser which he found better as it meant less recovery  and thanked me for praying for him. The last update was to let me know he had series of chemotherapy and one more to go. I continually pray for him and wish he gets better.

Months have passed and I have not heard from John. I have emailed him severally like usual but got no reply. I have missed hearing from him. Sadly, it’s over a year now. I have written a couple of posts I know he would have loved to read but got no email from him. I have missed how we both encouraged each other. I will always remember your kind words.

You will always be in my thoughts 💭 John. May God shower His blessings upon you, wherever you are.


Blogmas – How To Survive Boxing Day Sales

Source: Telegraph UK

Still on the Blogmas spirit. I so much look forward to boxing day sales. Normally, I have lists of things I like to buy or simply names of people, whereby I will look at the names I will find something for them. Nonetheless, at times, I go beyond my list especially  when I see something I consider very useful.

During Christmas, my 25th is basically go to church and have a good family meal. Then comes 26th – the sales, sales and sales day. In the last few years, I would queue up at Next as early as 6.30 am. Even at that early hours of the day I am like number 200 or something above that in the queue.

When I eventually get in, I would browse the entire shop for items that catch my eyes. It’s really fun to see those nice and expensive clothes, purses, gifts and kitchen wares reduced to lower prices. Looking at my lists, you can tell the things I normally go for. I do take my time and fill my shopping bag before the deselection process begins, when am done. Normally, by that time I am exhausted and cannot wait to leave the shop with my latest purchases.

However, lately I mainly buy online and will be doing same this year. I go to the shops later in the day or sometime in the week to see or pick a few good things remaining. Luckily, I live close to a shopping arena, where there is Primark, Next, Sports world and the rest of them.

Source: Synaptrading

My method of surviving the sales involves the following:

  • Gathering items I like first.
  • Choosing only the ones I need – at this phase, after gathering and I drop so many items.
  • Checking my budget.
  • Scaling down further to make sure I do not spend more than necessary and giving priority to items on list – Guys, I lose a few items at this stage too.  [I use this method online too].

Don’t worry, if I mention lists a lot, I jot down almost any thing.

Finally, by the time am done, I leave the shop with the items I really need. There are a few exceptions to certain things that I see and find very useful even when not included in my list. I will like to know what works for you.


I have had so much fun putting up Blogmas posts this period, I even posted more than once in a week like I had thought at first. So, this is my last blogmas post – am not going to say unfortunately,

I wish you Happy Spending – Don’t  over do it.

Merry Christmas 🎄 to you and your household . I’m sending great tidings of love, peace and happiness your way 😊

A little Act of Kindness


There are lots of times I meet people and wonder if they are actually set out to upset any one that comes their way. I wish I can write this post without sounding a bit redundant. I am not going to tell you how much people underestimate the power of being polite towards another.

Show some love to people you come across. Be kind and use polite words. Life is hard on its own, the least you can do is simply a little act of kindness and put a smile on the face of others.

Have you wondered how people seem to be so serious-minded when you walk past them in the streets? Everyone’s mind is pre-occupied and these people have tons of information their brain is trying to process: it could be something that brings them eustress or distress. Either way, there is stress but I can tell you the latter is the commonest.

For instance, today I saw this woman who looked so worried and disturbed. As she walked, she struggled with a bag was carrying, as if the bag was the problem. As I approached her, I smiled -like a big smile- if you know what I mean. She stopped, smiled back, sighed and continued smiling.


At that moment alone, she forgot what was bothering her. I hope she thought of better things to enlighten her day. If mere smile can have that effect what about other little acts?

Times can be hard but we do not need to be hard on ourselves or others. Let’s try and encourage others in any little way we can.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Can you practice being nice to people regardless of your mood or situation right now?

No Child Deserves To Suffer

While I was in a shopping mall in Enugu; Shoprite to be precise, I heard a car alarm system going off and some security guards were at the scene. As I walked past the car park, it turned out to be that a child was left in the back of the vehicle (Suv) that was locked.

Photc credit:
Photo credit:
Let me elaborate further, the child who you can hardly make out if they were  a boy or girl should be about ten years old. With the assistance of the security men and much persuasion the child was able to come out of the vehicle. He was boiling in there but was very scared of leaving because I would assume he was warned to remain in the vehicle. 

This incident took place in April, 2016 in Nigeria and the temperature was as high as 40 centigrade and above; anybody that was in Nigeria around that time can agree with me on this. So, you can imagine how sunny it was and what this child must have experienced while being locked up at the back of Suv.

So many questions kept coming into my mind, like:
– Why would someone lock up a child at the back of their car?
– Is this child not presentable enough to parade with them in the shopping mall?
– Why is it that some adults don’t treat their maids like humans?

I felt really sad for what I saw that day. To be honest, within 30secs of taking a glance at the little boy, I struggled to work out his sex. He was wearing a cafetan (a free flowing gown), his hair was uncombed lowcut and on his feet a pair of brown rubber sandals. He could barely look up. 

I simply decided that he could be a ‘he’. That leaves me with another question: Who dresses their child like that?

In my opinion, I do not have a clue of what this child’s background is but I can tell that he would be much valued and treated as a person if he were to be living with his own parent(s). 

Dear parents, I know we live in a hard economy; where things and times are hard but please try and look after the kids your bring into this world. No child should be allowed to suffer. When you send them out as maids to people; be it relatives, bear in mind that they are not theirs and can hardly be treated as theirs. If they end up with people that have some conscience, good for them. 

Dear guardians or Madams, you all need help with chores and staying without maid is inevitable. Please treat your maids as humans. They deserve your love, care and affection just like you would do if they were to be your own. Remember, that they are living with you does not make them less human. In fact,they have come to help you why don’t you help them too or make life easy for them?

I intentionally mentioned Madams because in most homes it is the woman that normally see to the affairs of the maid. That a maid is happy or treated well where he/she lives boils down to the madam of the house. Sometimes, I wonder why the men give a cold shoulder to these kind of issues at home whereas they could tell that something is not right and can make an effort to fix it.
No child deserves to suffer. 
P.S Hope your May has been going well? May the remainder of the month bring you good news.

Sorry Sir

A friend of mine was attending to a gentleman.

Halfway, the man interrupted.

“How many legs do you have?” He asked her.

“Two”, she answered.

She then looked down to her feet…

The man said “Can you please stand on your own legs”

It turned out to be that my friend’s left foot was actually comfortably resting on top of his, unbeknown to her.

I couldn’t stop laughing when my friend told me about this.

However, I would like to assume he wasn’t in much discomfort.

P.S. I will like to mention that March is my month and March 2016 is very special to me. 

Have a beautiful month Pals.