Benefits of Going for a Walk

The importance of going for a walk and more.

Out and about on a sunny day

Do you know going for a walk in the park is good for you? It can be somewhere in your neighborhood not necessarily just in parks.

Going for a walk can help you declutter ideas in your head.

It is another way of having a me time.

Couples can do same together too. It gives them time to simply admire nature or talk about fun times.

Walking is a good way of overcoming a sedentary life style.

Let’s have a look at the health benefits of taking a walk in the park. Shall we?

▪️To maintain a healthy weight and lose some body fat.

▪️To improve the cardiovascular system.

▪️For prevention and easy management of health conditions like hypertension, heart diseases, caner, diabetes and more.
▪️To aid in strengthen the muscles too.

▪️To strengthen the bones.

In summary, going for a walk is good for you. Look after your health.

I will like to read from you, do you enjoy walking in the park?

How often do you do it?

A lady taking a morning walk with her dog.
Image source: FiTon

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The Connection Between Sleep And Our Overall Health

Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Do you know that during sleep our bodies repair and rejuvenate, and our minds process and consolidate memories?

I will like us to explore the connection between sleep and overall health, and why getting adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Physical health: Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining physical health. During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates cells, tissues, and organs, and helps to maintain a healthy immune system. Lack of sleep has been linked to a number of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

2. Mental health: Sleep is also essential for maintaining mental health. During sleep, the brain processes and consolidates memories, and helps to regulate emotions and mood. Lack of sleep has been linked to a number of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment.

3. Weight management: Sleep is also important for weight management. Studies have shown that people who get adequate sleep are less likely to be overweight or obese. This is because sleep deprivation disrupts hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to increased cravings for high-calorie foods.

4. Cognitive function: Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function. It helps to improve memory and learning, and enhances decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity. Lack of sleep can lead to impaired cognitive function and difficulty with attention, concentration, and memory.

5. Safety: Sleep is important for safety. Sleep-deprived individuals are more likely to be involved in accidents and injuries, both on the job and while driving.

6. Quality of life: Overall, getting adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a good quality of life. It helps to improve mood, energy levels, and overall well-being, allowing us to be more productive, focused, and engaged in our daily activities.

Additionally, good sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime, and creating a comfortable sleep environment, can help improve the quality of sleep and overall health.

In conclusion, the connection between sleep and overall health is clear. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental health, weight management, cognitive function, safety and overall quality of life. It is important to prioritise sleep and make it a regular part of our daily routine. By understanding the importance of sleep and making the necessary adjustments to our lifestyle, we can improve our overall health and well being.

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The Top 10 Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

Exercise is good for you.

I know you have heard this a couple of times but the truth remains that one needs to exercise for optimal health. Regular exercise is a crucial part of maintaining good health and preventing disease. From improving cardiovascular health to increasing muscle strength and flexibility, the benefits of regular exercise are numerous.

In this piece, we’ll explore the top 10 health benefits of regular exercise and how it can improve your overall well-being.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health. It helps to increase the strength and efficiency of the heart and blood vessels, which can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  1. Increases Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Regular exercise helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which can improve overall strength and flexibility. This can be especially beneficial for older adults, as muscle mass tends to decrease with age.
  1. Lowers the Risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular exercise can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It helps to control weight, lower blood sugar levels, and improve cholesterol levels.
  1. Improves Mental Health: Regular exercise can improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting feelings of happiness and self-esteem. It can also improve mood and cognitive function.
  1. Helps with Weight Management: Regular exercise can help with weight management by burning calories, building muscle mass, and improving metabolism.
  1. Improves Sleep Quality: Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality, including increasing the amount of deep sleep, reducing insomnia, and improving overall sleep efficiency.
  1. Increases Energy Levels: Regular exercise can increase energy levels by improving cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. It can also help to reduce fatigue and improve overall physical and mental well-being.
  1. Boosts Immune System: Regular exercise can boost the immune system, making the body better equipped to fight off infections and illnesses.
  1. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair: Regular exercise can promote healthy skin and hair by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the skin and hair.
  1. Reduces Risk of Certain Cancers: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers, including breast and colon cancer.

To sum it up, regular exercise has numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. From improving cardiovascular health to increasing muscle strength and flexibility, regular exercise should be a part of everyone’s daily routine.

By incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Whether it’s going for a walk, running, swimming, or playing a sport, make sure to include regular exercise in your daily routine for a healthier and happier you.

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The Importance of Physical Activity for Weight Management

Exercises helps one to keep fit and enjoy good health.

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and well-being. Regular exercise and physical activity play a crucial role in weight management by burning calories, building muscle mass, and improving metabolism.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of physical activity for weight management and how it can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

1. Burns Calories: Regular exercise helps to burn calories and increase energy expenditure. This can help to reduce overall calorie intake and promote weight loss.

2. Builds Muscle Mass: Regular exercise helps to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest, which can help to boost metabolism and promote weight loss.

3. Improves Metabolism: Regular exercise can improve metabolism, making it easier to burn calories and lose weight.

4. Promotes Appetite Control: Regular exercise can help to control appetite by reducing hunger and promoting feelings of fullness.

5. Increases Energy Levels: Regular exercise can increase energy levels, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

6. Improves Mental Health: Regular exercise can improve mental health and well-being, which can make it easier to stick to a weight loss program.

7. Reduces Stress: Regular exercise can reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can help to control emotional eating.

8. Improves Sleep Quality: Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, which can help to regulate appetite and promote weight loss.

9. Increases Confidence: Regular exercise can increase self-confidence and self-esteem, which can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

10. Improves Overall Health: Regular exercise and physical activity can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Overall, regular exercise and physical activity are crucial for weight management. They help to burn calories, build muscle mass, improve metabolism, and promote appetite control.

Additionally, regular exercise can improve mental health, reduce stress, improve sleep quality, increase energy levels, and improve overall health. So, whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, regular exercise and physical activity should be a part of your daily routine.

Do remember that consistency is key and it’s better to start small and increase your activity level gradually. A combination of cardio, strength training and healthy diet can help you achieve your weight goals.

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Check Your Eyes Health

To ensure that your sight is optimal, do go for regular checks. That way you can avoid drastic deterioration and extra costs.

Do check your eyes health to avoid sight deterioration and extra charges. Yes you read that right.

Specsavers is making me pay dearly for not sticking to every 2 years eye check.

So, it happened that for months now I have been having frontal headaches. I blamed less sleep as I barely get good sleep for some time of recent. However, I made sure I got like 5 good hours of sleep for 3 days but no much difference.

Then, I thought it could be my glasses that are due for replacement.

I booked an appointment and opted for the OCT scan. They had said the scan would show what can happen in the next 4 years.

Do I really wanna know what will happen in 4yrs time? I want to simply enjoy life😊

That’s isn’t entirely true. I do want to know.
The scan showed that the retina and various layers in the eyes were intact.

However, the measurements showed my prescriptions have changed.

It normally change slightly and I get new glasses all the time but this time it was different.

This time, the left eye prescription is different from the right eye one. The prescriptions were headed for the roof and the thickness was so much.

They said thinning can be done.

That was the main deal.

I had to thin each glasses. I had never had to thin any of my glasses in the past except for the add on for improved reading and reduction of rays from pc and phones.

To thin each frame is £105
I already got two frame; as a deal of get one and another pair free.

I’m gonna pay for thinning 2 glasses, eye test fee and one eye glasses. Oh! They gave me eye drop for dry eyes this time. I have known about the dry eyes for long time now. The reason I only wore contact lenses just on my wedding day.

Really?, I asked?

The charge for the two is more than the cost my glasses.

Now, one of the girls has black dents where her glasses on sits on her face. She told me it was due to a heavier lens she had not thinned.

I reluctantly and hurriedly paid for the thinning. Very unfortunate.

I felt robbed.

I guess they came up with that strategy to make me pay for not patronising every 2years.

Now, I know I will meet them soonest in 24 months time before I pay for what-i-do-not-know.

In other news, check your eyes health as recommended. If you don’t, you will have to pay the price.f you like this post, please comment, share and subscribe to my blog.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post.

How To Overcome Challenges Encountered by International Nurses Who Aspire to become UK RN

This piece gives an idea of the challenges many Nigerian nurses face as they seek for better working opportunities to practise nursing in the UK.

The idea of career progression is what we all desire at some points in our lives. There is no exemption in professions like nursing.

Who wouldn’t like to earn more while doing what they love.

Since my post on migrating to the UK from Nigeria to practice as a registered nurse, I have gotten some questions from applicants. The post can be seen here.

Below are some of the questions and my responses.

Before I jump into that, I would like to think that coming to the UK to practice is the end goal of any applicant.

In as much as how you go about it and what you would do matters, the goal remains to come over to the UK to work as a nurse.

I am fully cognizant that one ought to maximise their chances at any given time but I have some reservations here.

Now, let me share with you the kind of questions I have been asked by some Nigerian nurses who have passed their exams and awaiting jobs.

1.  I have made several applications but have only gotten an offer from a trust that wouldn’t sponsor my MSc afterwards. What do you think?

In as much as NHS Trusts offering MSc are better, I guess there is only one main question.

Are you interested in coming to the UK as a nurse?


Are you simply keen in the MSc?

No doubt you can have both, besides some already had it but …

If your current sponsors don’t offer MSc wouldn’t you accept and come over to the UK first?

It is your choice I guess.

2. I have applied to London hospitals and awaiting offer letter but people are telling me London is very expensive. What are your thoughts?

London is quite expensive but nurses live and work there.

I mean, that’s the shortest answer to that.

Now let’s look at it this way, if all you see is London nurses jobs, why don’t you apply for it and come to London first. Isn’t it the goal again?

When you have stayed in London and think London isn’t for you then you can choose to live and work outside London.

In the UK, there are so many nursing jobs. Nurses are always in demand. There is ongoing shortage of nurses.

So do not worry. Come over first.

There are so many jobs in different cities to choose from.

It is important to know that you would have to complete your agreed time with your sponsor before you go to a different job.

3. I am preparing for an interview with a nursing home instead of hospital, should I take it serious?

Okay. You applied for this position meaning you wanted it, so what has changed now?

If it is worth your time, then take it serious.

Go ahead, prepare and ace your interview.

4. I have applied for so many jobs and nothing has clicked yet. How can you help me jobs?

I have heard this question a lot of times now. Some many people are in this category.

First things first, UK is in very high demand for nurses.

Again, the shortage is alarming. The pressure and the workload seems to be getting worse by the day.

Sorry, I know I’m repeating myself but that’s just me laying emphasis on the obvious.

I would like you to make more search. Search and keep searching till you get a job.

You already have a statement. Do read job specification and make sure your statement is targeted.

Do not use same statement for hospital to apply for a care home. More so, do not use the exact one for a nursing home for a residential care home.

When you apply to different units, do know the job differs and your skills should be demonstrated for the different roles respectively.

Keep searching and applying till you get offers.

Apply to both private and NHS hospitals and care homes.

The isn’t an exhaustive list but just to mention a few.

Bonus Tips

• Just in case you are wondering, a colleague used this same statement and got offers instantly. Why isn’t it my case now?

Different things work for different people. It is also possible times have changed. Let’s just focus on you now.

• It wouldn’t be out of place to think the application process is becoming more competitive. So, you need to up your game and do what needs doing to land you the desired UK nurse job.

•Getting a UK nurse job remains the focus. There is no room for distraction.

•Learn how to sell yourself during interviews. You need to convince a recruiter that the job is specifically made for you.

• Do not worry about job locations in the UK yet. There is good transport and amenities across the UK.  Get the job first and you can move to a preferred city later on.When I did my adaptation years ago, I moved to a different city. I was there for months and left what I had gotten what I wanted. Most times all you need is to be prepared before hand for some unforeseen circumstances.

When I did my nursing adaptation years ago, I moved to a different city. I was there for months and left what I had gotten what I wanted. Most times all you need is to be prepared before hand for some unforeseen circumstances.

• Oh! Least I forget. For those yet to pass IELTS, do see it as part of the preparation. You now know what the real test looks like. Prepare better and write again. Book for another test till you get the desired result.

• Have an open mindset. There are opportunities out there.

Detailed guide on becoming a UK registered nurse is a step by step process. All the information you will need is contained in the post. 

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How To Become A UK Registered Nurse: Simplified

These are practical guide on how an international nurse (e.g. a Nigerian trained nurse) can become a registered nurse and practise in the UK. There are better job opportunities in the UK.

For most nurses in Nigeria, traveling abroad to practice as a nurse will mark the peak of their career. It will make a difference in their practice, learning and improve their income.

As a registered UK nurse, I will simplify this post in manner that anyone who have longed to  take those bold and brilliant steps can go ahead and do it.

People have done it in the past and so can you.

Things you need to do:

1. You need an international passport

Apply for this if you do not already have a valid one. Ask for the booklet availablity and duration of processing before you do so as collection dates trends to differ in different cities.

2. Prepare and write IELTS/OET exam

This can be started as soon as possible because an acceptable result is needed to initiate the process.

–  International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – You will need to have an overall score of 7.
For each section,  a minimum of:
Listening -7.0
Writing – 6.5
Reading – 7.0
Speaking – 7.0

– Occupation English Test (OET) – You will need a  the following grades; Reading – B, Writing – C+, Listening – B, Speaking- B.

Both exam result can be achieved in two sittings.

This information can be found on NMC UK page here.

3. Create an NMC UK account
This can be done here.

The cost of IELTS is about #75,000 while OET is about #200,00.
I was meant to understand that OET is much easier to pass. Possibly that explains the higher price.

4. Make a payment of £140 using a Mastercard. Afterwards upload the following:
– Data page of your international passport
– Nursing Certificate.
– IElTS/ OET result( this is optional at this point).

Progress can be monitored through your personal NMC portal.

5. Pay #17,500 on remitta. If you don’t live in Abuja, pay online and get someone to help you submit it. Otherwise, you can easily pay online or in a bank.

6. Send the following to NMC Nigeria in Abuja:
– Certificate
– Nursing license (front and back)
– Letter for verification and good standing; including your CRM number.
This number is found on the NMCUK £140 payment confirmation letter. The letter should state clearly what it wants from NMCN (request for a verification and good standing).
– Birth certificate
The wait to be verified. Thus can take weeks or can be facilitated.

7. Get an authorization to test email from Pearson to book CBT.

Pearson is an organisation that handles CBT.

8. Book for the CBT and write the exam.

It cost about £83. This can be done here via voucher here.

9. Complete ALL the forms from NMC UK.

Your IELTS /OET test result is mandatory at this point.

10. Make a final registration fee of £153 to NMC UK.

This is for your UK Nursing pin number; more like your license to practise in the UK.
Then wait for NMC Ng to complete your good standing.

11. Begin looking for jobs.

Use popular job sites like NHSJobs, Tracjobs and for hospital jobs. Care home jobs can be found here.
For someone that wants to learn more or for better career development, you should go for hospital jobs. Otherwise, just get to be a registered nurse in the UK and that’s it.

12. Read job offers carefully.

When you get offers, carefully read it before signing. Then send it back to the recruiter.
Do not accept so many offers at the same time.

If you apply directly, then know that you are to fund your visa and ticket fees.This is not the case for some, who use agencies and the agencies make an upfront payment for them.

Do know that agencies are available and not cheap.

13. Wait for Certificate of sponsorship (COS).

This replaces documents such as bank statements that those who have applied directly would have to submit for visa. It shows someone will be sponsoring your stay in the UK.

The COS contains an employment start date. Make sure you don’t have 2 recruiters processing this for you to avoid having problems with the UK home office. Besides, it will be unfair the other recruiter that won’t be needed.

14. Have a discussion with the recruiter, hospital or agency and make an appointment for your visa application.
You can buy your ticket.

Other protocols such as : tuberculosis test, police clearance follows.

15. Objective structured clinical examination (Osce) Exam in the UK:
This is the last stage. It is written in few Universities in the UK. Some hospitals do offer to support with OSCE preparation. Do consider this during job application and whilst accepting offers.

Recently, I ran into a newly qualified UKRN as she thanked one of the tutors that helped her and her colleagues prepare for their OSCE exam.

Lastly upon the successful completion of the OSCE, the applicant goes from a Band 3/4 healthcare assistant to a band 5 UK registered nurse.

Thanks for making it this far.

To start application, click here

Some of the challenges faced doing application can be found here.

Good luck in your application.

Live your dream.

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NMC checklist;

The Pain of Brachytherapy

What you need to know about brachytherapy

I am pleased to write a health related content. It’s been a while and I have missed it.

I got to know about brachytherapy for the very first time last year.

Brachytherapy is a method of delivering radioactive treatment internally to a cancer site to maximize chances of cure.

Simply say, the introduction of treatment to the cancer in a person to increase cure rate.

It can be done alone or as a part of other treatment.

There are two types of Brachytherapy:

– High dose rate (HDR) : This can be done with the aid of a plastic Catheter inserted under general or spinal anaesthesia via the perineum to the prostate or through the vagina for delivering radioactive substances.

– Low dose rate (LDR): In this, a permanent implant is placed and only for prostate cancer.


-Patient should be admitted a day before the surgery for enema administration

– Nil by mouth from midnight.

After care

– CT and MRI scans will be carried out.
– Patient is nursed lying flat as the implant is in place.
– Strong analgesics like morphine and the likes are administered.
– Heads can be raised during feeding only.

Removal of catheter

– When removed, patient is monitored to ensure urine is passed freely prior to discharge.

I hope this gives you an idea of what brachytherapy is and what is involved.

On one occasion, the patient was very dependent on morphine and would scream in pain most of the time.

It is truly hard to see someone in pain all the time. However, I haven’t seen that much morphine given in a short while.

The Dr had to intervene and speak with the patient regarding so much morphine given and the risks. The patient still demanded for more.

Do let me know if you like this health post.

Do have a look at the health category

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Trying Times and Self Discovery

Much needed time

Hi Friends, I hope you are all well. Amidst Covid-19 pandemic, I want to remind you of how amazing you are. 

I am cognizant that a lot has happened this period. So many lives have been lost, some people fought for their lives while some lost their loved ones. We all look forward to a cure/vaccine for this killer virus while observing the obvious rules of social distancing and health policies applicable in different places. 

I am aware that different nations have specific rules tailored for their citizens, do abide by them, please. While the scientists do their jobs, I pray God to heal all nations. 

We live in a world full of uncertainties. I can liken this period of lockdown to a trying time. However, it can be a time to know your inner self the more, a time to liberate yourself from any animosity and a time to let go of any grudges. 

In families, it can mean spending quality time together; you never know what the earth uncovers for you. In cases where either or both parents own businesses, bravo while the lockdown lasts.

It can mean spending greater time with your spouse too. It can be a time to strengthen your spiritual life, which is vital in families. The stronger person can pull the other. I can go on to elaborate on this.

It can simply mean plenty of time to ask God for clarity and direction in your life. Some people tend to live the easy life instead of having a focus and aiming at achieving it. It should not be so. I will leave that to another post. I digress. 

This period can provide you with ample time to reach out to people you would not have spared time to contact. There are times we tend to think about certain people; it can be family, friends, or mates but do not reach out to them. They are just there, in an imaginary safe place in our thoughts. I have lots of people like that, I can only hope that they are happy and truly safe where they are.

Whatever you do this period, do not let the enemy steal your joy. Do stay alert and do the needful to stay safe and feed your soul with the scriptures.

“May no disaster overtake you,

May no plague come near your tent,

For the angels have been ordered to guard you wherever you go.” #Psalm 91*

Lastly, you are a special being. Do look after yourself and your soul. 

If you like this post, please share with your friends and subscribe to my page. Feel free to share any recent encounter or your opinions in the comment section.

Lots of love


World Mental Health Day 2018

It’s world mental health day Friends.

According to BBC (2017) Mental health problems are defined and classified to help experts refer people for the right care namely. They are namely: neurotic and psychotic.

Neurotic conditions are extreme forms of “normal” emotional experiences like depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder while psychotic symptoms interfere with a person’s perception of reality and impair thoughts e.g. schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Mental illness is invisible to everyone but those experiencing them.

Majority of those affected suffer in silence

There are some helpful treatments options available.


Look after yourself

Look after your health

Your are control


There are stressors around

You don’t need to add to them

Learn how to deal with them


Your physical, mental and overall health should be your priority.

Do spare time to reach out to friends and relatives. You never know what others are passing through.


Happy world Mental health day

Lots of love
