Finding Inner Strength: Embracing Life When Times Get Tough

There are ways around all of these. You are not alone.

Last Updated on 08/08/2023 by Vivien Ayinotu

How are things going for you lately?

At times, life can be challenging, and situations may leave us feeling overwhelmed and defeated. However, it is during these moments that we have the opportunity to tap into our inner strength and find the resilience needed to move forward.

Let’s look at different strategies that can help an individual find the strength to live and thrive when faced with tough circumstances.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

When faced with difficult situations, it’s essential to acknowledge and accept the emotions you are experiencing. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or frustrated. Allow yourself to process these emotions, as denying or suppressing them can hinder your ability to move forward. Embracing your emotions allows you to release them and create space for healing and growth.

2. Cultivate a Supportive Network

Seeking support from others is a powerful way to find strength during challenging times. Surround yourself with a network of friends, family, or support groups who understand and empathize with your struggles. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with trusted individuals can provide comfort, guidance, and fresh perspectives. Remember, you don’t have to face difficulties alone.

Vivien in African bottom. What a combo!

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Be gentle and kind to yourself as you navigate through tough situations. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging that you are doing the best you can under the circumstances. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a loved one. Allow yourself moments of self-care, whether it’s taking a walk in nature, enjoying a hobby, or simply giving yourself permission to rest. By nurturing yourself, you replenish your inner strength and resilience.

4. Focus on the Present Moment

When facing challenging circumstances, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by past regrets or future uncertainties. Instead, shift your focus to the present moment. Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help anchor you in the here and now. By being present, you allow yourself to observe your situation objectively and make decisions based on what is within your control.

5. Find Meaning and Purpose

Difficult times often provide an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Consider the lessons you can learn from your current situation. Reflect on your values, passions, and goals. Rediscover your purpose and align your actions with what truly matters to you. By finding meaning in your circumstances, you empower yourself to overcome adversity and emerge stronger.

6. Set Realistic Goals and Take Small Steps

When faced with tough situations, it can be overwhelming to think about the future. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable steps. By focusing on achievable tasks, you build momentum and gain a sense of accomplishment along the way. Celebrate each small victory, knowing that every step forward brings you closer to a brighter future.

7. Seek Professional Help if Need be

Sometimes, the challenges we face require more support than our personal network can provide. Professionals give information from knowledge gained through trainings and extensive researches. Your friends or relatives might not know all of that. If you find yourself struggling to cope, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Mental health professionals, therapists, or counsellors can offer guidance, tools, and strategies tailored to your specific needs. Asking for help is a sign of strength, and it can be a crucial step towards regaining control of your life.


Finding the strength to move on and live when situations appear tough is a journey that requires self-compassion, support from others, and a focus on personal growth. Remember that tough times do not define you. By acknowledging your emotions, cultivating a supportive network, practicing self-compassion, staying present, finding meaning, setting realistic goals, and seeking professional help if needed, you can tap into your inner strength and embrace life’s challenges with resilience and determination. You have the power within you to not only survive but thrive in the face of adversity.

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Mid-Year Check-In: Are You on Track With Your Goals?

Time to pause and check how your year has been so far

Last Updated on 18/07/2023 by Vivien Ayinotu

It is that time of the year again. We have reached the midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time to pause, reflect, and evaluate our progress towards our goals. The goals we set at the beginning of the year may have felt ambitious and full of promise, but now is the moment to assess where we stand.

Let’s take a look at the importance of conducting a mid-year check-in and provide insights on how to realign and refocus to ensure you stay on track with your goals.

Vivien Ayinotu on a Sunday after church.

1. Reflect on Your Initial Goals

Start by revisiting the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Take a moment to review what you wanted to achieve and why those goals were important to you. Reflect on the progress you have made thus far, celebrating any accomplishments along the way. Acknowledge any areas where you may have fallen short and consider the reasons behind it. This reflection will provide a clear understanding of where you stand today.

2. Evaluate Your Progress

Once you have a clear picture of your initial goals, it’s time to evaluate your progress. Assess the milestones you have reached and the actions you have taken towards your goals. Look for patterns or trends that may have emerged. Consider the obstacles or challenges you encountered and how you overcame them. This evaluation will help you identify what has been working well and what areas may require adjustment or additional effort.

3.Reassess and Prioritize

After evaluating your progress, it’s essential to reassess your goals and priorities. Are your initial goals still relevant and aligned with your current aspirations? Consider whether circumstances or priorities have shifted throughout the year. You may find that some goals need to be modified, replaced, or even discarded. Be honest with yourself about what truly matters to you and where you want to direct your focus for the remainder of the year.

4. Break Down Your Goals

If you discover that you are off track with your goals, don’t be discouraged. Break down your goals into smaller and actionable steps. This approach allows you to create a roadmap that guides your actions moving forward. By breaking down your goals, you make them more manageable and increase your chances of success. Each small step you take brings you closer to the ultimate achievement.

5. Create a Plan and Set Milestones

With your refined goals in mind, it’s time to create a plan of action. Outline the specific steps you need to take to reach your goals and set realistic deadlines for each milestone. Make sure your plan is flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or potential roadblocks. By having a well-defined plan, you gain clarity and focus, making it easier to stay on track and measure your progress.

6. Seek Accountability and Support

Accountability plays a crucial role in achieving our goals. Share your revised goals and action plan with someone you trust—a friend, family member, or mentor—who can provide support and hold you accountable. Regular check-ins with your accountability partner can help you stay motivated and on course. Additionally, consider joining a community or group of like-minded individuals who share similar goals. The collective support and shared experiences can be incredibly empowering.

7. Stay Focused and Adapt

As you continue your journey towards your goals, it’s important to stay focused and committed. However, be prepared to adapt as needed. Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change unexpectedly. Embrace flexibility and be willing to adjust your plans if necessary. Remember that progress is not always linear, and setbacks or detours can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.


The midpoint of the year presents an ideal opportunity to assess an individual’s progress, realign goals, and refocus efforts. By reflecting on initial goals, evaluating your progress, reassessing and prioritizing, breaking down goals, creating a plan, seeking accountability and support, and staying adaptable it enables one to make the most of remainder of the year. Use this mid-year check-in as a springboard for renewed motivation and determination to achieve the goals that matter most to an individua. It’s never too late to course-correct and make significant strides towards your aspirations.

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