Last Updated on 25/11/2022 by Vivien Ayinotu

You would be surprised to know that financial knowledge have not evolved that much.
The key information regarding saving and investments has been around from time immemorial.
If you are looking for a good book to read regarding finance, you can hold onto The richest man in Babylon.
To many, the problem isn’t just the job or how to earn. It tends to be the question of where has the money gone to. Many people practically live from hand to mouth.
Unfortunately, this is a sad reality for many.
I will be sharing the five laws of Gold by George Clason with you.
1. Gold loves those who saves 10% of their earnings.
2. Gold favours those who multiple at every given opportunity.
3. Gold clings to a cautious owner.
4. Gold favours those who invest wisely.
5. Gold and Get-Rich-Quick schemes don’t mix.
I love every bit of them.
It stressed more on keeping a part of one’s income.
– A part of your earnings is for you to keep. Pay yourself first. It is more like, you do not need to spend your monthly income. Put out some for the future.
– Leave upon less of your earnings. Much emphasis should be laid on minimising spending as it is easier for for to spend that to save.
– Make your treasure work for you. Enslave it. This is the hallmark of them all. The point where money gets to work to earn more is very important.
Who doesn’t like the idea of working less while earning more?
Let’s make this affirmation together.
“A part of my earning is mine to keep.”
Let me reiterate, a part of what you earn is your to keep. Do keep this close to your heart.
Recite this in the morning, afternoon, in the night time.
It is important to insure an income for the future.
In addition, it is advised to xounsel with money experts. When investing do know that a small return and a safe one is more desirable than risks.
I could go on about this. There is so much financial knowledge in this book. I want you to get a copy and boost more financial knowledge.
Lack of proper financial education has remained one of the many issues regarding money management.
Do you know that saving can never be out of date?
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Very good to take