Be True to Yourself

It is possible that certain things happens in you life for a reason.

Last Updated on 26/10/2021 by Vivien Ayinotu

At times, we tend to look back and wonder why we did certain things.

Do you seem to have a lot of things you wished you had done differently?

Do they bother you so much?

I want you to look at them differently this time.

I guess you were not somewhat senseless or crazy those times.

Has it occurred to you that it was possibly the best you could have done at those given times?

Did you have numerous options and intentionally chose the least of all?

If yes, why was that?

Did you do what was practically obtainable at that time?

I guess sometimes we need to be true to ourselves.

Pay attention to details regarding your past and present actions.

Do not wake up one day and wanna regret your entire life based on your current situation.

The pasts cannot be changed.

Work on where you think you can do better in your current state.

Do not allow anybody’s opinion become your reality.

Appreciate your journey.

They are your story.

They are the reason you have come this far.

They make you unique.

Be grateful for the past, the present and what the future holds.

It could have been worse.

Thank God for the gift of life.

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