Last Updated on 03/08/2021 by Vivien Ayinotu

I want to encourage any hardworking lady who is yet to find love. This piece is written specifically for those who feel pressured too. I want you to know that you are doing great. You don’t need to be unhappy with yourself because you haven’t found someone yet.
In fact, celebrate yourself. Invest more in yourself, work harder. Earning your own money is a bonus. Invest as much as you can. Do not think otherwise. This is the only phase of your life you will be thinking of no one else but you.
At times, we don’t seem to have it all figured out. You would be surprised how many homes dealing with what you can’t even tolerate in a relationship. My point is you do not need to be hard on yourself, you can pull this. Chin up!
Regarding relationships, know the things you hold in high esteem and you can forgo or patch up the rest. There are people out there who love you the way you are. You are someone’s spec.
Even the married ones are still learning and unlearning. I wouldn’t talk much on the spiritual aspect but you have to get this sorted too. Do the needful and trust God.
Do give relationships your best till you get what you desire. Relationships needs your time too. Everyone deserved to be loved whole heartedly.
When you pray about it, do your very best, I don’t see you not getting it right. Time will tell.
No relationship or marriage is % perfect.
We are all work in progress. People who want it to work are consciously and very intentionally making it to work. More like saying nurture relationships or love, if not so vice versa.
Nowadays, numerous people are running away from discussing sensitive topics. However, you do not need to suffer in silence. You will be amazed the kind of support you will get when you confide in someone you trust or a professional.
In the meantime, so long as you haven’t decided to be a nun, wedding bells will ring someday. Maybe sooner than you’d imagined.
Good luck
Let’s grow together