Is Education Scam?

Last Updated on 23/07/2021 by Vivien Ayinotu

Education have always been important and is still valid. It remains valuable. The extant number of successful businesses does not entail we disregard education.

Do not feel that you can simply go into trading and forgo higher education. Let it be known that you deeply desire for it and for some reasons beyond your control you couldn’t pull it through. That simply means that when things get better studying further will top your to do lists.

You can not go wrong with more education. Worst scenario, you end up in a field different from what you studied or you venture into business.

Whatever situation it is, education is always applicable. You already have friends, have the sound knowledge to represent your brand when required.

Do not allow anyone tell you “education is scam” because it is not true. That you are doing well in business does not mean you disregard education or talk people off it.

Education opens doors.

Education can take you intentional.

Education paves way for growth.

There’s more to education people.

If you are wealthy and think you are already made, you need it for better understanding of what your managers (your employees) do for you.

Businesses do require in-depth knowledge and elements of research (if not thorough research).

It is better you have the degree and work in a different field (unconsciously applying some of the knowledge) than not have it at all.

Permit me to say that most of the richest people that are known to the world have degrees. I wouldn’t bore you with those that went as far as having PhD.

He who has ears …

Let’s grow together


Do Not Mislead Others

Last Updated on 13/07/2021 by Vivien Ayinotu

I was having a chat with a friend the other day before you know it we were talking about clubbing. Boom! Is clubbing a sin or not, came up.

Here is the thing, in the club, no one praises God or dances to glorify God. People are almost naked or wear revealing clothes. Nothing Godly happens in that environment. I’m I lying?

People get drunk, drugged and all sorts. The drink and substances take the blame for consequent actions; regardless of whether they are intentional or not. Let’s assume the later.

I will like to remind us that none of those acts are limited to clubbing alone because they can be done inside and outside the club too.

At a point in our conversation, she was like “ I can go there just to watch, I don’t drink or smoke, just to have fun with friends that’s it.”

“Hey! That’s not a fellowship Sis.” I responded.

Do you know just watching can be a form of sin on its own. You heard me. It is a sin to watch certain contents, watching such can equally lead to sin.

Sin is sin regardless of how you rationalise it. That you involve in certain acts you feel it is ok to do does not make it any thing less of a sin.

Similarly, few years ago, that was how I found myself discussing with several people who think it is ok to be pregnant before marriage. Like, I had these conversations with different men and women. Seriously, how do you play God?

Ok, you eventually have twin pregnancy, does that validate marriage?
Now, fertility expert with a baby! Have you heard of secondary infertility? What if that child (s) dies? Please, lets have the right mindset and a good foundation. Always, place God above all things.

When things don’t feel right, they are not right. For instance,

Just like one can intentionally lie

Just like one can intentionally fornicate

Just like one can intentionally commit adultery

Just like one can intentionally exploit people. The list is endless.

If you find yourself guilty of certain sins, seek help, read the scripture, guard your heart, know those you mingle with. Be disciplined. These things can not be over emphasised. Guard your soul. Join a prayer group to lift your soul; you need help to get better.

However, no matter what the situation is, desist from encouraging others to follow your steps or mask your actions. That you find yourself regularly committing same acts of sin does not purify it or makes it pleasing to God.

That you have been guilty of an act doesn’t mean can not preach it.

When you pray, do ask for the gift of discernment.

Remember, God is spirit. So, you do not know your case in the spiritual world.

Please, if you read some of my posts and feel concerned, you can directly reach out to me here or on different social media platforms. If it affects you that means my writing is relevant as I write about lives and you are human.

Disclaimer: I am on journey to be a better person and serve God better. I am a sinner. The fact that I sin does not make me twist God’s word to suit me. Sin is sin regardless.

May God help us🙏🏼

Let’s grow together
