Feeding Our Souls

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Changing of water into wine 🍷 at Cana.
Image source; i.pinimg.com

Hi friends,  hope you are all good and staying safe? Permission to digress, I was having an intriguing conversation with someone the other day and the entire chat took a different dimension  when she asked one question.  

The call conversation was about chritianity, christ teachings, what is expected of us. 
She asked ‘’why do you catholics worship mary? It is no where in the bible?”  
I told her that we simply honour the mother of Jesus. I mentioned the first miracle of Jesus – where he turned water  💦 into wine 🍷. It was all driven by his mother, mary. That implies that we can get to Jesus through mary. 
The entire verse goes this way:
Lets read the scripture together John 2.
I gave her other illustrstions and applied same to real life. There are cases where you  can easily reach out to someone or get a favour done by going through their mother. 
She eventually agreed with me.
I was quite pleased that I had facts and was able to discuss that with her. Trust me, this woman knows her bible so well, I wish I’m somewhat that good too with the scriptures. 
However, as a Legionary I know a lot about mother mary. Unfortunately, for years now I have found my mself in places where Legion of Mary doesn’t exist. Currently, I’m a Vincentian which is not active in my local either. You cannot compare the two though. 
Hey! I’m trying to rekindle in us the energy needed for our spiritual life and spiritual growth. We need to pray like warriors and take charge of our lives. 
On a good note, I recently found a charismatic online prayer group which has been a blessing to me lately. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have learnt from these amazing people. They give a deeper and meaningful interpretation to bible verses I already know. I find them very supportive. Some people are truly working for God. God bless them🙏🏼
If you want to discuss more about any aspects of this post, do contact me. I occasionally post religious blogs. Feel to peruse the blog. For similar posts, notify me in the comment section and subscribe to this blog. 
Do have a great day and a beautiful September. 
Lets grow together. 
@ Viviensvoice

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