Last Updated on 11/03/2020 by Vivien Ayinotu
Hello my Lovelies, hope you are all well? We are in March and marching forward It’s my birth month and I can’t thank God enough for bringing me this far. I’m a March number one baby
Let me give you a quick run down of my activities in the past year. I must admit it can be quiet challenging trying to be on top of your games all at the same time. I mean the combination of busy work schedules; including series of training/courses, blogging( which tends to suffer as I post less like I ought to) and family( this is paramount you know). I draft for my new book when I can too.
I squeezed that in a few lines right? I can’t begin to tell you how I struggle to spare time for social media but I have it under control as I’m coming up with strategies to ensure I’m more visible to you.
I have some life experiences and events that have shaped me better for the future (and perhaps for the present too). Some have evolved from the turnouts of unexpected events. Fortunately, God has been faithful. For those that know me well, I love challenges and not afraid to take up one. That tends to take me places
On a different note, I have lost some family members who are dear to me and that had made me question our existence and the impacts of our actions towards another. May their beautiful souls continue to rest in peace
I can be a deep thinker and have been predisposed to that in this past few months. Having said that, I have previously lost someone that meant a lot to me; I haven’t fully recovered from that very loss. Normally, I tend to discuss things better when I have them all under control but this loss I’m referring to surpasses me. I will tell you about it when I’m ready to discuss it and how it affects me.
At various points of my life I have come across people who are the reason I am the Vivien you know today. I mean they are the ingredients I’m made of. I am eternally grateful to each of these persons
I have a pinned tweet on my twitter page. Oh! How I love that tweet. Look me up on Twitter to check it out. My Twitter handle is @viviensvoice. I simple love it and it’s a modification of a bible verse.
Finally, my message for you today is be nice to people regardless, be disciplined and have integrity. Life is a teacher and do remember that you can always learn from others experiences. May you have a marvellous march.
Let’s grow together.
Lot of love
That’s wonderful Vivian am lifted
Onyi. I appreciate. May Gods graces continue to fill your household