Last Updated on 08/09/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu
I was very opportune to witness a divinely-led preaching last Sunday. Two weeks ago, I attended a bible conference where I made a few friends and eventually joined their online chat forum.
It happened that someone had put up a a post about 2pm mass by some charismatic Nigerian Priests, I thought to myself, why not? That was how I got there. I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am to have attended that.
The preaching Centred on: Does your external observances as a Christian correlate with your inner self?
As Christians, there are articles or symbols that are part of us, they include the crucifix, medals, holy bible, rosary, scapula, holy water, anointing oils, etc. Others include the sign of the cross, genuflecting before the holy Eucharist, bowing before the cross amongst others acts.
Amongst all these, our external observances should be prompted from the interior.
There should be no discrepancy between our physical rituals and our spiritual lives.
Both should be in agreement and serve as a measure to the quality of our lives. The quality of our lives should be the sign that people see.
What use is it that we appear so religious but our hearts harbours evil and our attitudes very rebellious?
What happens when we are angered and flare up? Are we not at those times required to be an examplary Christian?
This is hardly the case.
As Christians, at any stage of our lives, we have symbols, uniforms that we are identified with, be you a youth, catholic men or women, priest or nun. Our uniform is our identity.
The Pharisees and believed in mere physical rituals like not washing hands before eating but God seeks more from our hearts.
Are you being Christlike in your encounter with people?
We live in a word were the society sanctions various actions that are clearly condemned in the bible. When society approves of an act does it get erased in the bible? The answer is no.
The scripture further says that there are acts that defiles a man (women included😄) : fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride and folly.
The modern world 🌍 approves fornication( the number one God condemns) and indecency.
Is the word indecency any meaningful in this generation?
God urged us to obey his commandments and do not cling to mere human traditions.
Nothing that goes into a man can make him unclean only that which comes from within; e.g, grudges, hatred, jealousy, envy, evil plots and thoughts. All of such aforementioned acts are from within and they defile a man.
This message is drawn from Mark chapter 7 in the holy bible. The bible can be a perfect present 💝 too.
To sum it up, we should be strive to be exemplary Christians. When the society approves but the bible disapproves. It remains a capital “no”. May our lifestyles and physical observances be Christlike and come from within.
I’m a work in progress, we are in this Christlike journey together. Do feel free to contact me. I am a catholic as you could see in my various examples but I believe there is a message for everyone who believes in God😄
Remain Blessed
Yes it is essential that we live our faith.
I completely agree with you. Thanks for reading and commenting.
How have you been? Long time😄
Vivien, very good article
Thanks Sis😄 Nice having you here.Thanks for the invitation.
You are welcome to Viviensvoice.