Hello Friends, I hope you are doing well? Let talk about health. I will be sharing with you today my encounter with SN-OD’s. Do you wonder what that is? No worries, I thought same the very first time I heard it. It is simply specialist nurses-organ donation. Their role is to support potential families of a patient donating organ(s) throughout the entire processes of organ donation.
So, I had to look after Patient X who was critically ill and was attached to invasive ventilator. She was confirmed dead awaiting organ donation but requires full care right from the beginning of my shift. Observations were done hourly as usual and nasogastric feed was ran through.
Normally, once such patients are identified, referral to the SNOD is done. Death is confirmed based on neurological criteria, brain stem testing and confirmation of cardiac death.
The specialist nurse nicely partitioned Miss X’s hairs, knotted it with ribbon and gently cut it off . She got her hand-prints too as keepsake for families. It was so lovely to watch and I can imagine the look on the faces of her relatives when they receive their precious keepsakes. It was a beautiful experience.
In line with the plan for the day, this specialist team was with me off and on. They took more than 20 samples of blood. They would come and brief me about the status of X’s various organs and if they have found a compatible recipient which I found very interesting. At a point, kidneys and liver has gotten the all clear pending the heart.
They liaised with the team from the other hospital where there is someone awaiting an organ transplant. Apparently, that patient was in theatre while X was prepared and taken to the theatre for Harvest.
At the theatre, I handed over and watched carefully and observed the initial processes of organ retrieval from X. I didn’t stay till the last minute though as I have to go back to my ward. Duty calls.
Finally, Organ donation is the highest gift man can give to another. Miss X was able to give life to others which made me more aware of how amazing people can truly be to others even to the point of death.
I would recommend that many of us register as donor to enable us give this incredible gift of life to other people; who are very desperate to live while we no longer need them.
More detailed information about organ donation can be found here. For similar health related posts, please click here.
Do you have concerns? I will like to know your views.
Disclaimer: This cannot be substituted for a medical advice.