Last Updated on 20/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

My sincere gratitude to Divinity for nominating me for the sunshine blogger award on 22nd Feb. 2018. She has a great blog where she shares amazing contents that aims at inspiring and motivating people. Do check her blog out.
Rules of Sunshine Blogger Award:
- Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
Question and Answers:
- What things are you most grateful for in your life?
There are lots of things to be grateful for. To sum it up, I thank God for sparing my life.
- What is the story behind your blog’s name?
I have stories to tell, words to send across. So, Viviensvoice is simply my unique views on various topics.
- What food could you not live without?
Maybe, Rice.
- How has blogging changed your life?
It has exposed me to the virtual world. It has enabled reach out and connect with people of different continents. I wouldn’t have been able to do that physically. I have acquired more knowledge too.
- What are 3 random facts about yourself?
I pray more than you think, I can go days weeks without TV, I can pen down just anything.
- What do you hope to accomplish in 2018?
I already published my first novel Happiness At Last, I intend to start my next project before the year runs out.
- What do you do for writer’s block?
I normally write down ideas. So, when I’m stuck with one I take a break and go back to it, If still stagnant I change subject. There is always a draft to work on.
- What is your favorite place that you’ve visited?
Northampton, it’s so peaceful over there.
- How did you meet your best friend?
At work.
- Do you consider yourself a creative person?
I try. I think I’m a work in progress.
- Do you believe there is someone out there for everyone?
Yes. Definitely.
My Nominations:
- Jennymarie4
- Charlie
- Philip Ruskins
- Shape Fitness Trainer
- Elganspo
- Sandevictor
- Sha
- Sandsoftime10
- JGomez
- Annie
- Ckennedyhola
I will like you all to answer same questions I have answered. I await to read your posts.
Lastly, many thanks Divinity for this brilliant opportunity. I appreciate.