I thought it was high time I took my writing seriously and write more. I have heard a lot about WordPress and its benefits for bloggers. Well, I don’t consider myself a blogger yet but in contexts like this the word becomes handy. This is simply because I enjoy writing certain kind of stories and do just that.
However, I intend to write more often now and give you the contents your time deserve. Also, I’m going to try to be consistent. So, here I am trying to find my way around WordPress. There are lots of plugins, tools and other stuffs to choose from and various designs to explore. I hope it is worth all the hassle.Do you know any must-have plugin or tool in WordPress? I will like to hear from people with similar experience.
My blogger domain is writingisrewarding because then at the time I started it I clearly wanted to explore my style of writing to see to if anyone would connect with them and was not keen on having a domain with my name. In WordPress, I decided to use Viviensvoice because I realised there are people who connect with my stories.
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Have a productive week.