What’s going on?

Last Updated on 27/11/2013 by Vivien Ayinotu

Photo culled from the internet

I have actually seen lots of beggars and some homeless people but there was something about that woman I couldn’t just place. In fact, there is a particular man that do lie under the shades of trees and flowers on a corner in my area, although I have not seen him for sometime since winter arrived, I hope he has found a better place to lay his head at night.

So, it was a very cold day and I was rushing to a function but all of a sudden I was stopped by a woman; who at first was speaking a language I didn’t understand. I looked at her and she went on for about a minute or so before I was able to hear hunger and money. As she talked, the little child she was holding was busy playing and smiling.
Unfortunately, I had only few coins with me and handed them over to her and she mumbled words that sounded like she was thanking me or something close to that. Although my mind was occupied by other activities I couldn’t help but think about this woman and the small boy. 
I have seen lots of beggars but why it seems to be very rampant now is what I don’t understand, even in this unbearable weather. 
Later in the day, I discussed it with a colleague and he said some cultures simply like begging and can’t stay away from it. He added that some couple of years ago, some women carrying drugged children were seen on trains begging for money. That as a matter of fact, times have changed for good. No doubt he was right but I was of the opinion that when people look relatively fit it is better they find themselves a job;be it a menial one, as long as it brings them some quid rather than wandering the streets begging for money.
The rate at which beggars are seen on the streets of London now are very alarming. If you see one today, the next day it increases to three or more. Does it all boil down to hard economy?
What’s going on? 
Meanwhile, I recall a friend telling me the other day that when a haggard man begged her for money in an eatery she simply told him to choose something and she paid for him. That way she made sure he didn’t spend her money on purchasing some cigarettes or booze. At least, she provided him with a meal, which made a difference. 
Well, we should try in our own little ways to help people. That little could mean so much to them. 

Have A Word With The Man At The Counter.

Last Updated on 09/11/2013 by Vivien Ayinotu

An elderly man in his mid-eighties arrived happily to his younger friends house. His friend who has been expecting him was quite surprised when he saw how excited he looked on his arrival. He hugged him and went off to make him a cup of tea because the weather was chilly.

‘I have been worried about you and how fast you were going to make it?’ He told him, fully cognizant of the fact that his friend can be somewhat forgetful, at times. Besides, he had a meeting to attend in the next few hours so, it was nice he made it on time too.

The elderly man smiled. ‘You are not going to believe what happened. ‘I entered the train without a travel ticket and was lucky there were no checks, I passed unnoticed.’

‘Oh! You did?’ His friend almost screamed covering his mouth…they both laughed. Now, he knows why his friend is kind of overexcited since he outsmarted some folks out there. They haven’t seen each other in a very long time and only talk on the phone though they chatted like the phone talks never existed. Later on, it was time for him to leave for the meeting in order to make it on time. However, he wanted to make sure his friend at least, pays for his ticket this time.

On getting to the station, the queue was so long and the ticket fees were saying different things ranging form £20- £500. Obviously, he didn’t have that much time to wait for him but to leave as soon as he can.

How much are you going to pay, he asked him. ‘Don’t worry, am not looking at any of that- referring to the the fares. I will speak with the Man at the counter, when it gets to my turn, ‘ the old man replied. His friend patted him on the back and left though he was worried about him.

Later in the night, he got a phone call from his friend telling him how wonderful his trip turned out to be. He said that after having a word with the man at the counter, he was able to arrange a £20 ticket for him; which was a first class and he was served a bottle of champagne. In addition, when he got to his destination, one of the staff followed him and called a taxi for him as well. What more can he ask for! He was all smiles as he narrated it all it his friend.

They both laughed and he was pleased to know his friend was happy and safe at last.

I guess it is always good to speak with the Man at the counter irrespective of the expected outcome or what the World tells us. 

Anyone can be favoured, with God there is no favourite.

You can Do A Lot ‘On-Your -Own’ Through Him Who Gives You Strength.

Last Updated on 01/11/2013 by Vivien Ayinotu

There are times that people who we know quite well seem to do things that tends to put us on the edge and all of a sudden we begin to question a whole lot of things.

It is okay to keep reminding ourselves that no one is perfect not minding the fact that we are still able to find that one person whom we simply choose over others.

While I was chatting with a friend the other day, she sounded really worried and said a couple of things about her partner. She has a plan of how things can be made better and not that he is not willing to accept her idea but it seems not to be very convenient for him now. She complained bitterly. I tried to reason with her but I still made her see reasons with the guy too.

 ‘You can see he is busy with some other things now, at the meantime let him be.  It is not like he is rejecting your idea.’

Why are you this disturbed? I asked because she was furious and that got me worried about them both. Well, we had a nice chat and she was calm and felt better afterwards.

It would be nice of us if we continually evoke that initial passion we had before embarking on anything because it does not only motivates us but also keeps us on our toes as well. When you know that deep down you love someone, don’t cross yourself. Yes, be reasonable but that does not mean that it is going to be very rosy at all times. Love, they say endures all things that is why some people will seem to hurt you severally and you find yourself forgiving them, even before they apologize whereas same acts will be totally not tolerated with other people.

Try and develop a positive way of seeing people and things they do. It really helps and encourages a healthy lifestyle. Bearing a grudge is very bad because no matter how you mask it, it still finds its way and reflects in ones character. You might think that you are doing well and not showing whatever it was but people close to you can tell you act a bit different.

I would encourage discussing it, expressing exactly how you feel in the words that make you feelings or concerns well expressed. You have the right to be angry. There is no formulae in these things, think responsibly and do things your way. When you think the low-and-understanding voice is not working you can try out the high-angry voice, what matters is that at the end of the day you still go back to the normal.

Look at it this way, if you cannot have a quality chat with that very person whats the point going to talk all that through with another. You know them well and should be able to figure out when it is suitable to engage them in such conversations. Off course, you cant just initiate talk you tag ‘serious’ anytime and hope to get a useful response.

Always go for what is suitable for you. For instance, some people might like to chat after dinner time while some early in the morning. You don’t go and wake someone up at midnight because you were told or have read somewhere that midnight talk is the ultimate. Maybe, it was for the writer or for most people they carried out research on at that time but the truth is ‘we are all unique creatures’ some generalised findings cannot be applicable to all at same time. Don’t forget that some people don’t even sleep before that time while some about few minutes before 12, so are you going to wake them up? It’s either they babble first then talk, or later you get a warning for such sleep disturbance. Dozing while talk is going on can equally be achieved with that. I hope I was able make my point clear enough.

When something goes wrong and you still want to be with that person and they also want you, try to let them know how you feel. That’s your life and you make decisions based on what you think you two have been through or what you feel for them. However, when you simply go and offload the ‘problem’ to someone you might get a contradictory advice. Some individuals can probe and dig out some past and unresolved problems and put life into them. Believe me, it happens while others would help you deal with it in a better and reasonable way. Both categories of people do exist, beware of the former except you have loaded your gun and only need help with the trigger.

You can simply try asking yourself questions like, why is this that, why is that this, if I do this…that happens,  if I do that…what could happen? You can make a chart for them if need be.  You never can tell, it might help you solve certain issues and minimise times spent in consulting others. Besides, some times people tell us things we already know, though it is not usually the case. Always try your best and leave the rest.

When you learn to see good in people, things can only get better and better but when you do the opposite, even the tiniest fault that can easily be ignored by others will be magnified ten-folds before you.

I actually struggled to write this without mentioning God a couple of times. Always put Him first in all you do.