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We Have A Pope.

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What a movie!

During announcement in church last Sunday, the Priest mentioned about an Italian movie that will be shown on Wednesday. Its’ tittle is  ”We have a Pope” with English subtitle.

At first I said to myself, it might be cool going to watch it but the fact that am going to have to listen to the I-have-no-idea-whatever-they-are-saying-ITALIAN and the supposed plot of the movie made me think that it could turnout being very boring.

Well, on that evening I was disposed to seeing it so, I went for it. It followed the evening mass and was more like fun time. During the church time we were few but more people came later for the movie.

We all went down to the lovely decorated hall and the large screen made it all look magical. I am in a Cinema after all. Wine was served and the Priest gave a brief introduction before the film kicked off.

It was a very good and interesting watch. It portrayed the degree of secrecy in the Catholic Church and how issues are being handled.

On the contrast, it showed how most Cardinals instead of praying more for a fair election of a new Pope rather  prayed that they do not get voted for. Another funny instance was when the elected Pope ran off the Vatican and on one occasion told a stranger he met that he suffered ‘Parental Deficit. At his age!

He felt he couldn’t do it. Despite wearing the Papal regalia, greeting the Faithful posed as a huge problem for him.

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